Please join me in wishing Tassel a very happy 9th birthday! If you shared your mornings with us you'd recognize Tassel as the goofy red and white girl who starts all the rowdy games with her side-ways dance and "helicopter" tail action. Yep, and she's the one who quickly finishes her morning relief break and then runs back to me for a skritch while Elky studiously sniffs the weeds at roadside for evidence of overnight visitors. Now, for the brag:
A couple of days ago I opened the front door and stepped out on the porch to let the girls have their morning potty break. I'd been getting sloppy about the leash (we live at the end of a dirt road in rural area where there is very little traffic) and just as I looked up to notice a man taking his large boxer for a walk in the road, the girls spotted same and took off at a dead run, barking their heads off. Man and dog stopped suddenly (his dog was on leash), anxious at what these two crazy muscle bullets had in mind. I shouted "no" and called Tassel and Elky to come. By this time the dogs were more than 2/3 of the way to their target and visions of lawsuits were dancing in my head when, lo and behold, both dogs slowed, turned, stopped, and looked back at me! I called them to me again and Tassel immediately trotted back, happy as a clam. Elky followed, looking back over her shoulder and muttering at the boxer, no doubt saying, "You are one lucky dog, mate." Red faced, I apologized to man and boxer alike, sent a silent thank-you heavenward, and stood there astonished, praising the dogs as they stood at my feet waiting for me to clip on the leashes. (Note to self: from here on out, attach leashes before opening the door.)
I've had dogs over the years, but I have NEVER had dogs who would, on command, break off from flat-out, hard running pursuit of the temptation of the moment, and come to me. Am I not blessed to share in the lives of these two miracles?
Dog noises: When Tass is tired of waiting for me to finish my coffee and serve up the kibble, she flops on the floor nearby giving a loud and laughable sigh/grunt that is equal parts world-weariness and exasperation. What a character!
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